Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Motor City Rocks reviews The Dogs

Pretty crazy/awesome review from the talented writers over at Motor City Rocks. Basically they reviewed our album as they were listening for the first time..............and we got a 3.8/5 (let it sink guys it'll be a 5 in no time). It's a funny, honest review, but be warned, they diss Neil Young (fuck that).

Check out the review HERE and dig their site.



Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Dogs in the News!

So it looks like Walla Walla is finally taking notice of The Dogs! Come read the review/get some insight into the recording process. Epic stuff. Catch it HERE

Be the Rain

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Drinking Kool-Aid

The Cincinnati publication, Milk Milk Lemonade and been kind enough to feature us on their blog. And it looks like they're diggin it.... maybe you should try it out (and by it i mean free write). Check what they said HERE

dogs out
